What in the hell is going on around here?

What in the hell is going on around here?
Background for the un-initiated:

November 2010 saw Francisco Rivero elected on platform of transparency and reform with the help of an indicted pot grower and a character assassination blog. Not quite our proudest day but not as bad as some other days. Actually the jury is still out on this one so stay tuned.
Francisco didn't like anything or anyone remotely associated with the former Sheriff so he set out wiping the slate clean by changing the deputies uniforms, destroying the Office of Emergency Services, firing volunteer reserves, demoting some officers and promoting others, taking away correctional officers guns and coffee then giving them a cartoon badge, unplugging the kitchen at the Lowerlake substation,alienating every other law enforcement agency in this county and those of neighboring Mendocino, picking fights with local government officials and squabbling with the state and the county over courthouse security which it turned out wasn't his call.

And then things got weird.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Indecisive Superhero

Meet Lake county superhero - the waffler, this superhero's super power is the power of vapid indecision. Denizens of the cave knew about this superhero some time ago when we studied fence cowboys but yesterday we received confirmation in spades.

What happened was the shrubber friended a Lake county supervisor, we'll call him Anthony to protect his identity, who was recommended by the Facepage book. Within the hour Anthony unfriended the shrubber in a cruel and callous act of un-friendliness after the shrubber had reached out in an earnest attempt to make new friends.

Thats when we realized Anthony's secret identity. Anthony is the waffler!
The waffler can't decide.
First he deliberated, carefully decided to be the shrubber's friend and clicked on the facepage book wall button making us friends. Then his super power kicked in and he had a change of heart so now the waffler isn't the shrubber's friend anymore.

And that's not all.

Somebody, now I'm not saying it's the waffler, decided to report the shrubber to the facepage book cops and sure enough the shrubber got a nastygram about friending stick in the muds and superheros the shrubber doesn't already know.

Back at the cave we sat around for a while trying to figure out how to make friends if you can't befriend strangers you don't know but all the thinking made us hungry so we popped out some eggos and syrup since we aren't friends with the waffler anymore.

Imagine a world where waffles don't want to be friends.

Then we looked at the wafflers facepage book and saw that the waffler has thousands of friends and got sad because while the waffler clearly isn't all that discriminating about who his friends are he made an example of the shrubber.

Imagine our shame.

I guess the shrubber is a unique and special super villain in the waffler's syrupy, artificial world. Or maybe the waffler is just a douchebag. Then again maybe the waffler's other friends don't like the cave. Whatever the reason its nice to know who the waffler is once and for all.

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