What in the hell is going on around here?

What in the hell is going on around here?
Background for the un-initiated:

November 2010 saw Francisco Rivero elected on platform of transparency and reform with the help of an indicted pot grower and a character assassination blog. Not quite our proudest day but not as bad as some other days. Actually the jury is still out on this one so stay tuned.
Francisco didn't like anything or anyone remotely associated with the former Sheriff so he set out wiping the slate clean by changing the deputies uniforms, destroying the Office of Emergency Services, firing volunteer reserves, demoting some officers and promoting others, taking away correctional officers guns and coffee then giving them a cartoon badge, unplugging the kitchen at the Lowerlake substation,alienating every other law enforcement agency in this county and those of neighboring Mendocino, picking fights with local government officials and squabbling with the state and the county over courthouse security which it turned out wasn't his call.

And then things got weird.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Squeeleing at the Trough

Lotsa smallish places suffer from carpetbagger syndrome. Folks from outside the area show up and explain to all the locals just how backward they are and set about 'fixing' stuff as quick as they can. Allow me to introduce two such 'fixers' bellying up to the county trough while telling us all what backward hicks we are.

Party on Garth!
That trough can feed plenty and most that feed from it are doing good works while some interlopers are clearly on a wild-eyed money-hungry power grab like feral pigs rooting for the neighbors truffles. But not for these two, Jim and Olga Martin Squeele.

I always wondered why some folks need two last names when most of us only have one, I guess they're just greedy.

These two caped marauders slinked into the county a few years back and have decided that this trough is theirs. They put out the story that they didn't need any money as they are set and into their golden years but instead of using their own means to support their efforts set about slurping at the trough.

First came Olga Squeele, she hooked up with Francis a while back after he burned through a string of campaign managers like a meth infused firebug at a paper factory.

Olga helped steer Francis' campaign to a 'successful' (it all depends on how you define success) win by adopting his tried and true strategy of race card poker with a massive dose of character assassination using his propaganda blog.

Early on, Olga Squeele had the backing of a county supervisor and wrangled herself a post on the planning commission but that didn't interfere with her campaign work and she keeps on campaigning for Francis long after the election. I was pretty sure they knew they'd won but go figure they spend more time on Idiot-point-one now telling us just how fab Francis is than they ever did before the election. Maybe that has something to do with some campaign rules or something like maybe its okay to exploit Idiot-point-one for political purposes AFTER you win an election. Beats me.

Olga spends her time on the radio keeping him calm and screening calls so Francis doesn't have to hear any of the folks who aren't on the same page about what an amazing success he is. Olga, or 'mommy' as Francis calls her, doesn't let anything happen on the show that might cause Francis to have to answer any real questions by answering the phone and keeping Francis on his meds.

Word is Olga Martin Squeele has her sights set on higher office by going after a supervisor's seat in a couple of years but in the meantime she and Jim are hitting the trough hard. Jim scored a sweet deal with the county not long after the election when he was able to convince the BOS posse that he was the best way to stop some kinda lake infestation.

Where's the sourdough?
He says he's a scientist but all he was really able to produce was some kinda test for boat people that shows them what dumb asses they are.

I had my own idea for saving the lake but nobody offered me jack for it. I figure we let the critters get a foot hold then add some garlic and white wine and has ourselves a tasty cioppino. But hell no, all we got was that dumbass test. 

I guess the boat test got skewered, ridiculed and kicked to the curb during a recent BOS meeting that Jim didn't go to but his test's fan club did. Maybe 'fan club' isn't the right phrase...

Anyhow, the whole embarrassing test thing made it into the news and then we all saw that Jim and Olga Martin Squeele are also part of the ministry of misinforation over at Francis' propaganda blog. Those bloggy bloggers of Francis' got their panties in a bunch when they saw the story about what a pompous jerk Jim is and went berzerk over on Francis propaganda blog. I guess Jim got paid 50 large for that test and now its in the dustbin along with Francis' integrity.

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