Mmmm Cookie |
Especially the thin mint ones with the chocolate on the outside and the green goodness on the inside.
Then the tradition continued and another girl scout with a mustache came back to keep on begging for a handout from the taxpayers to help him pay for his friend to sue the county. That didn't go as smoothly as francis hoped and he wound up not getting anything from the piggy bank again even though one of the soup tried really hard to help him get some of the loot.
Brian's mom offered two things to give money to francis' attorney but nobody did the other part so those things didn't go anywhere.
Everybody else voted to let francis go ahead and get his own lawyer.
But that wasn't the interesting part. The interesting part came later when Donny DA tried to crack the piggy bank for some super dooper secret squirrel spy stuff he wants that lets him snoop on cell phones. At first it seemed like a normal thing where he has a tool he needs for stuff and so the soup buys it for him so he can do the public safety thing better.
Not everybody wants Donny DA to have that super dooper secret squirrel spy stuff though. Turns out francis decided Donny DA was trying to use some of his allowance for that stuff and doesn't want to make any cracks in the piggy bank. But then Donny DA showed the soup how that part of the piggy bank really is for super dooper secret squirrel spy stuff for him.
francis still didn't like it, almost like he didn't want super dooper secret squirrel spy stuff for people that might use it on him.
Soup Jeff said that all the chefs get together to decide this stuff just like always so he was confused why francis didn't know that it was okay for Donny DA to have the super dooper secret squirrel spy stuff. Seems soup Jeff doesn't know that francis quit going to the chefs meeting things.
Or maybe he did.
I guess there were a couple of people there who don't seen the purpose in super dooper secret squirrel spy stuff if it could be pointed at them.
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